Yellow Belt

“The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.” – Vince Lombardi

I recently started muay thai kickboxing and tonight I achieved my yellow belt. I tell you this, not to brag or boast, but to give an example of perseverance and not giving up. I was attacked by an ex-boyfriend in 2008 and could have lost my life. Growing up with two older brothers and as an athlete, I always thought of myself as a tough girl who could hold her own. I was mistaken. I was completely powerless. My life, my breath, my everything was gripped in the hands of rage. I felt like a victim for a while after that. I was scared and constantly looking over my shoulder. After I had gone through much of the emotional conditioning I needed, I felt like it was time for some physical conditioning to match the strength that I now had on the inside. I found a martial arts school in my town that teaches muay thai kickboxing with a specific focus on self-defense and real life application. I have no idea if things would have been different two years ago if I had the physical knowledge I have today. However, I do know that along with stronger arms and a tighter rear, a piece of my insides that had been stolen has now been returned.

Fight back for your life. It’s worth it.